What Works Best! (title), Adelaide Prospect - Greenhill South - Morialta, Leading Learning Improvement (sub-title)

Hackney Kindergarten Outdoor Learning Area – it is official!

Nov 25, 2016


Kindy Director Robyn Molyneux and staff were fit to burst with pride at the official opening of the outdoor learning environment at Hackney Kindergarten on November 24.  And rightly so! The contributions from the children, families and the local council have resulted in a spectacular design and build of play space features that include a grassy mound, decks, wooden canoe, cubbies, veggie gardens, rocky creek bed with water pump, mud kitchen and sensory walls. The proof as they say is in the pudding and it was clear when watching the children at play that they love exploring, the spaces, creating with loose parts and experiencing the various challenges presented to them – especially mastery of the giant climbing log! The Honourable Susan Close MP cut unveiled the commemorative plaque.